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Car CNG Kit: -

CNG kit When Installed in car is known as Car CNG Kit. Petrol Car can be installed with CNG kit for the cheaper drive on the road. CNG after burning give us less smoke than petrol. Using CNG is safe as it does not catch fire easily.

Car CNG Kit: -

CNG kit When Installed in car is known as Car CNG Kit. Petrol Car can be installed with CNG kit for the cheaper drive on the road. CNG after burning give us less smoke than petrol. Using CNG is safe as it does not catch fire easily.

BS4 CNG Kit: -

As of now vehicles which meet the emission norms of up to BS-IV are allowed for CNG Retro-fitment. This is a very positive move by the government as CNG as a fuel will bring huge relief to common people from the high expenditure on petrol.

BS4 CNG Kit: -

As of now vehicles which meet the emission norms of up to BS-IV are allowed for CNG Retro-fitment. This is a very positive move by the government as CNG as a fuel will bring huge relief to common people from the high expenditure on petrol.